January 13, 2008
January Vintage Bike OC Meet
1947 Matchless G80L Huntington Beach, Calif. - It's been six months since I took over this gig and started the new web site. Last month I was a little disappointed with the turnout, but today changed all that. We had a great meet today, 27 bikes showed up. Not all were vintage but that's fine all were cool. It was probably the weather, we had a postcard perfect mid 70° day today. I had to add a twenty mile detour to my route today just to get in a little ride down the coast.

Frank Colver squeaked by with another win for Bike of the Month with his '47 Matchless, but in the running was a 1930 Harley with a sidecar, Bruce Balla's very fine Ariel Square Four, a very cool '59 Triumph along with a very clean '70 Bonnie. I can't mention them all (mainly 'cause my memory is crap). One of my favs was the 40's era bobbed BSA with a lot of "character". Please help me out by adding comments to the gallery pics if you can help identify your bike.

Some of you were taking photos, please contact me if you would like to add them to our gallery. I will give you full credit for any photos posted. Brian Tinkler was shooting today, he is a very talented photographer. Visit: to see some great photos of motorcycles and many other subjects. I'm looking forward to seeing his pics. Brian from was also there, he has an interesting site too.

Our next meet is February 10, 2008. When it gets bigger, I will need some help organizing. Anyone who would like to help is always welcome. Thanks again for reading, and bringing out your bikes for all of us to enjoy.

Keep On Ridin',
Joe Kagerer
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January 13, 2008
January 2008 VBOC Meet
December 9, 2007
December 2007 VBOC Meet
November 11, 2007
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September 2007 VBOC Meet
August 12, 2007
August 2007 VBOC Meet
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For more information about the web site or the event contact Joe Kagerer
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