February 10, 2008
February Vintage Bike OC Meet
Vincent HRD Tank Decal Huntington Beach, Calif. - It just keeps getting better. It's February and we had perfect weather today, mid 70°s, sunshine and no wind. My brother in Michigan has his bikes stored away because of their single digit temps right now. I guess that's why it's Vintage Bike OC and not Vintage Bike MI. We couldn't ask for nicer weather, and it showed with another record breaking gathering of 33 bikes including one trike, again not all vintage but still great to check out.

The contest for Bike of the Month was pretty tight. Rich Craig of Norwalk won with his 1947 Velocette, but three others tied for second place. Check out the pictures of all the bikes in our gallery. I'm sorry that I didn't identify the other three bikes, but it just goes to show that anyone can win.

One of the original founders of the group, Greg McBride, rode his very clean Vincent HRD, it was definitely a crowd favorite. Bruce Balla ended up with his BSA on a trailer after having some unfortunate issues on the ride in. Bruce won Bike of the Month in October with another of his BSA's. There was a huge showing of 1970's Japanese bikes this month too, with at least five Honda CB's and two Kawasaki 750 H2's. I can't leave out the BMW's and the Guzzi's. We may have to start having Bike of the Month categories.

Our next meet is March 9, 2008. I'm looking forward to it already. Thanks again for reading, and bringing out your bikes for all of us to enjoy.

Keep On Ridin',
Joe Kagerer
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February 10, 2008
February 2008 VBOC Meet
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