March 9, 2008
March Vintage Bike OC Meet
Ariel Works Co, Speedometer Huntington Beach, Calif. - The time change made a bit of a difference this month. I showed up at 1:45 and there were already almost a dozen bikes present. At first I figured that my watch was wrong. We ended up with a great turn out today, 28 bikes. I was hoping for a record number due to the time change and the perfect weather, but it was a great meet.

Gerry Hutchinson of Coto De Caza won Bike of the Month with his awesome 1969 Rickman, a very rare bike. Perry Owen and his wife rode in on their 1956 Ariel Square Four, always a favorite. We had a great mix of bikes today. Twelve bikes received votes for Bike of the Month. The contest is always very close, so if you didn't win, there's a good chance you had some votes.

My new Camera
I was looking forward to today's meet to use my new digital SLR camera, an order of magnitude better than the point-and-shoot I had been using for the web site photos.

Unfortunately as with any new power, so comes responsibility... I had my camera set up for shooting the lunar eclipse last month. Without realizing it, I shot the entire meet with my camera set on it's highest ISO. Instead of the optimal setting for bright sunlight, it was set to the worst. Unfortunately this months photos came out with a very grainy quality (or lack there of). I promise that next month my camera will be set to the correct ISO.

Our next meet is April 13, 2009. Just enough time for me to figure out how to work my new camera. Thanks again to all of you who came out today, and thanks for reading.

Keep On Ridin',
Joe Kagerer
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March 9, 2008
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