August 8, 2010
August Vintage Bike OC Meet
1948 Indian Chief fender

Huntington Beach, Calif. - A great Summer day in Huntington Beach. Almost a record with 70 bikes, in March we had a count of 72, but I'm not sure how accurate that count was. Today the lot was packed it was hard to get around.

We had a great Bike of the Month competition. There were so many cool bikes to choose from. but four bikes managed to catch most of the attention.

Jim Underwood of Hawaiian Gardens won Bike of the Month easily with his 1948 Indian Chief that looked and ran like it just rolled off the assembly line. This was Jim's first time not only to our group but the first major ride on his Indian. He learned about our group this morning from Mike Gregor. Mike ran into Jim at Cook's Corner and told him about our group. Mike owns and operates Motorcycle Transport Company and has been a great supporter of this group. So Jim called his friend Jerry Perkins and they rode to our meet together.

Jim's friend, Jerry Perkins of Huntington Beach was the second favorite with his 1961 Harley Davidson Topper. One of the most unique bikes at the meet, the Topper has a pull-start 175cc Single 2-Stroke air cooled engine. I thought that it may be from HD's Italian works, but Jerry assured me that it was 100% Milwaukee made.

Ken Brumm of Cypress took third with his recently finished 1977 Yamaha RD400. Fourth place went to Pete Burrows' amazing 1962 BSA Super Rocket. Pete came in second back in November 2009, but has yet to win Bike of the Month. Pete left before the vote was counted today.

Again a special thanks to Debbie Hopkins for helping again with the voting ballots. It takes a big load off me having this job handled especially as the crowds grow.

Thanks again to everyone for showing up and making this another great event. I'll see you again on September 12, 2010.

Keep On Ridin',
Joe Kagerer

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August 8, 2010
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