March 14, 2010
March Vintage Bike OC Meet
Be A Man, Ride A Pan!

Huntington Beach, Calif. - Spring Forward, 72 people sprung forward today and showed up for our March meet. This is a new record. What a great day in Huntington Beach.

I asked for help last month and Debbie Hopkins stepped up and helped today by passing out voting ballots. I want to thank Debbie for relieving me of that one duty, it made quite a difference today. More than 80 ballots were passed out, we actually ran out. I wasn't prepared for this large of crowd, sorry if you didn't get a chance to vote.

Bike of the Month
Mike Dun of San Jacinto won Bike of the Month with his 1939 Indian Sport Scout. Mike made the maiden ride on his newly restored bike to our meet. Even with showning up late close to 3:00pm, Mike ran away with the votes. The second and third most popular bikes were tied between Hoken Martensson's 1956 Harley Davidson FLE and Jeb Bugaren's 1950 Norton Model 18. Hoken's Harley is a very nice example of a vintage custom. Jeb has owned his Norton for 23 years. I make it easy on myself by obstaining from voting - I'm torn between all three.

Vote Recount Monday March 15, 2009
This morning I reviewed the ballots. Counting was fast and furious yesterday as we tallied the votes prior to people leaving. Actually #10 the red Benelli was in the top 3 bikes after the re-count. I don't have any details on the Benelli, but it was also one of my favorites. I guess I like them all. There are several pictures of the Benelli in our gallery.

This meet just keeps getting better. We now have over 300 people on our emailing list and the last three meets have had more than 50 bikes each. This is our sixth month at Beach Burgers and everyone seems to be having fun.

Competition Next Door
During our meet there was another gathering of motorcycles at the bar behind Beach Burgers. I went over to invite them to our meet. It was a group of all female riders. They didn't seem interested in anything vintage...

Thanks again to everyone for showing up and making this a great event. I'll see you again on April 11th.

Keep On Ridin',
Joe Kagerer

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March 14, 2010
March 2010 VBOC Meet
February 14, 2010
February 2010 VBOC Meet
January 10, 2010
January 2010 VBOC Meet
December 13, 2009
December 2009 VBOC Meet
November 8, 2009
November 2009 VBOC Meet
October 11, 2009
October 2009 VBOC Meet
September 13, 2009
September 2009 VBOC Meet
August 9, 2009
August 2009 VBOC Meet
July 12, 2009
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May 2009 VBOC Meet
April 12, 2009
Easter Sunday
March 8, 2009
March 2009 VBOC Meet
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