November 14, 2010
November Vintage Bike OC Meet
Isle of Man

Huntington Beach, Calif. - A perfect afternoon in Huntington Beach today. With the great weather, I thought we would have a record crowd. Our official count was 67 bikes, a great turnout, although not a record.

Jeb Bugaren of Placentia easily won Bike of the Month with his 1950 Norton Model 18. Jeb rode down from Placentia with his son Austin on the back.

Jim Ronis rode the "Widow Maker" a purple 1975 Kawasaki 750 H2. Another favorite, Jim came in second place. Jim rode this bike at Bonneville this year and hit 138 MPH on the salt.

The third highest votes went to Bob Spector of Long Beach for his 1970 Norton 750 Commando.

Bob Nichols of Nichols Racing in Costa Mesa came to the meet today. Bob has been racing Indian's since 1939. Bob comes to many of our meets. I first met Bob in 2008, he is a wealth of knowledge and information about motorcycles and motorcycle history in and around Southern California. I had a chance to talk to him today and he was telling me the history of the Norton Model 18. Bob is just one example of the unique makeup of our group.

Frank Colver turned some heads today with his custom three-wheeled Yamaha TW200. Frank has built a couple of these machines and rode it today because of a problem at his shop that kept him from riding one of his classics.

As always there were more cool bikes than I have time to write about. Check out all the photos in our November Gallery.

A special thanks again to Debbie Hopkins for helping with the voting ballots. Thanks to everyone for showing up and making this another great event. I'll see you again on December 12, 2010.

Keep On Ridin',
Joe Kagerer

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